Why Eating Onions is Dangerous for Cats and Dogs

Onions, garlic, and other plants in the Allium genus contain sulfoxides and aliphatic sulfides, which can be deadly for dogs, cats, and other animals. While these substances pose no threat to humans, they destroy red blood cells in animals, causing hemolytic anemia. Harmful concentrations are considered to be 5 grams of product per kilogram of cat’s weight and 15-30 grams per kilogram of dog’s weight. Both raw and cooked onions are dangerous.

Symptoms of onion toxicity in pets can include lethargy, weakness, reduced appetite, pale gums, and reddish urine. If a pet ingests onions or shows any signs of toxicity, it is crucial to seek veterinary care immediately. Early intervention can help mitigate the effects and improve the chances of recovery. In addition to onions, other foods to avoid giving pets include chocolate, grapes, avocados, and macadamia nuts, all of which can cause severe health issues.

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