The Bermuda Triangle: mysteries, interesting facts, theories

The biggest mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is considered to be the disappearance of ships and aircraft, as well as their crews, without any apparent reason. However, the Bermuda Triangle is not limited to just this; strange occurrences have long been happening within it, which is why this area is considered anomalous.

In our age of universal enlightenment, this area is fairly calm; however, nobody can guarantee that you won’t disappear from there one day.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle located?

This strange anomalous place is situated in the Atlantic Ocean near the borders of North America, specifically between three points forming an equilateral triangle. The upper angle is the Bermuda Islands themselves, the middle angle is Miami, and the lower angle is formed by Puerto Rico. The area of this imaginary triangle is approximately 4 million square kilometers.

The Sargasso Sea

The water space bounded by the imaginary lines of the triangle lies within the Sargasso Sea. This unique sea without shores is surrounded by the waters of six currents. The largest of these are the Gulf Stream, the North Atlantic Current, the Florida Current, and the South Equatorial Current. These water currents constantly rotate the waters of the Sargasso Sea clockwise.

Additionally, due to the collision of such a large number of major currents, huge whirlpools sometimes occur, capable of pulling small sailboats and even medium-sized vessels to the bottom of the sea. Hurricanes are also common here for the same reason.

The movement of water along the outer circle creates stagnant water inside the Sargasso Sea itself, leading to an incredible proliferation of algae, which are called Sargassum. Ships without engines, tangled in these algae, in the Middle Ages practically had no chance of escape.

It is thanks to the powerful warm Gulf Stream current that the air temperature in the Bermuda Triangle area is slightly elevated. Other, cooler currents bring with them cold atmospheric fronts that collide with each other, creating fairly dense fog, which frightens travelers.

Since 1684, Bermuda has been a British overseas territory. Before the arrival of Europeans, the islands never had indigenous inhabitants.

Our planet Earth is significantly younger compared to other stars. On it, understandable catastrophes often occur—volcanic eruptions, earthquakes—as well as things yet unexplained by science. For example, sudden shifts in earth layers and killer waves appearing out of nowhere.

Black Holes on Earth would no longer surprise anyone. The consequences of such catastrophes become events even more incomprehensible and inexplicable from the point of view of both an ordinary person and science.

Columbus First Discovered the Bermuda Triangle

In the autumn of 1492, the first notes about the sea appeared in Christopher Columbus’s ship’s journal. Sailing along the border of the Bermuda Triangle, Columbus saw endless ribbons of Sargasso seaweed covering the entire visible surface of the ocean. Strange glowing moved up and down within the water column. He was also surprised by the unusual readings of the compass needle in this place.

The compass needle was swinging wildly, unable to settle on a fixed point. These were the first signs of a magnetic anomaly. Sailors, widely known for their superstitions, especially in the uneducated Middle Ages, wanted to turn back immediately, and mutiny could easily erupt on the ship. However, luck was on the crew’s side, as the island of San Salvador appeared ahead, and the compass needle finally calmed down.

In the vicinity of Bermuda until 1600, more than 30 shipwrecks were recorded. Navigation here is dangerous due to numerous reefs. This area is hazardous for navigation, with a large number of shallows. Clear weather can suddenly give way to cyclones and storms.

The biggest of the sunken ships was the cruise liner Cristobal Colon. It ran aground on reefs and sank in 1936. The Bermuda Triangle is primarily known for the unexplained and traceless disappearances of aircraft, ships, and their crews.

It’s also not uncommon for cases where the entire crew vanishes, while the ships themselves continue to drift at sea as if nothing happened.

Famous Disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle

In the late summer of 1840, the French ship “Rosalie” was discovered at sea. The ship was undamaged, but there were no people on board. A similar story repeated itself in 1872. The ship “Mary Celeste” drifted on the waves for a whole month without a crew. The arrangement of items, provisions, and money indicated that the ship had not encountered a severe storm.

USS Cyclops

The USS Cyclops, a U.S. Navy cargo ship, mysteriously disappeared in 1918 while traveling from Barbados to Baltimore. The ship, which was carrying a cargo of manganese ore and had a crew of over 300 people, never reached its destination and was never heard from again. Despite extensive search efforts, no trace of the USS Cyclops was ever found, leading to speculation and theories about its fate.USS Cyclops

Some suggest that it fell victim to a storm or rough seas, while others propose more mysterious explanations, such as sabotage or encounters with supernatural forces. Regardless of the cause, the disappearance of the USS Cyclops remains one of the greatest maritime mysteries in history, with the ship’s fate never definitively determined.

The Vanishing Squadron

Another puzzling incident linked to the Bermuda Triangle occurred in 1945 when Flight 19, a squadron of five U.S. Navy bombers, vanished during a routine training flight. Led by experienced flight instructor Lieutenant Charles Taylor, the squadron encountered compass malfunctions and became disoriented over the Atlantic Ocean.squadron of five U.S. Navy bombers

Despite attempts to guide them back to base, communication with ground control was lost, and neither Flight 19 nor the rescue aircraft sent to search for them were ever found. The disappearance of Flight 19, along with the USS Cyclops and numerous other incidents, has contributed to the enduring mystery and intrigue surrounding the Bermuda Triangle.

Another cases

The Bermuda Triangle has been associated with numerous vanishing cases, including the mysterious disappearance of the SS Marine Sulphur Queen in 1963. This 524-foot T2 tanker, carrying a cargo of molten sulfur, was en route from Texas to Virginia when it vanished without a trace.

Despite an extensive search by the U.S. Coast Guard, no wreckage or debris from the ship was ever found, leaving behind a baffling maritime mystery. The fate of the SS Marine Sulphur Queen remains unknown to this day, fueling speculation about the Bermuda Triangle’s supposed supernatural powers and its role in maritime disappearances.

In January 1967, two small private planes disappeared over Bermuda. In March 1973, in the same area, the ships “Anita” and “North Variant” sank.

On December 30, 1998, the “Beechcraft” aircraft failed to take off and crashed into the sea right from the runway.

Theories about the Bermuda Triangle

Legends don’t arise out of thin air. No one knows why powerful bursts of energy of unknown origin often occur in the triangle. Frequent magnetic anomalies, noticed by Columbus, occur spontaneously, confuse radars and other equipment, and impede navigation.

Is the sea glow that Columbus saw related to the bioluminescence of simple Bermuda worms? By the way, it’s interesting why freshwater eels, swimming off the shores of Europe, lay their larvae specifically near the Bermuda Islands?

There are theories about temporal portals leading to other dimensions. Theories about an extraterrestrial base under the triangle are also not the least likely. There is also a version about pirates, but it doesn’t stand up to any criticism. There are many questions, but no answers. All we can do is observe, wait for new incidents, and compare facts.

Many skeptics claim that everything happens due to technical malfunctions or lack of experience in ship navigation. The mystery lies precisely in the location of the events. The Bermuda Triangle is a zone of fog and various anomalies. Periodically, compass needles start spinning rapidly, batteries drain, and radio communication stops.

Infrasound Waves

Modern science practically does not doubt the existence of so-called infrasound signals generated by the ocean floor, hurricanes, rocks, and unidentified objects.

This heavy, inaudible infrasound adversely affects the psyche of humans and animals, causing them inexplicable anxiety, which turns into panic.

There is an opinion that this panic made entire crews throw themselves off ships and pilots out of planes directly into the sea. Strange mass beachings of whales and dolphins, as well as mass bird falls to the ground, are also associated with this phenomenon.

Rogue Waves – Killers

Huge waves can destroy ships. A terrible incident occurred in 1984 during a regatta near the Bermuda Islands. (A regatta is a major sailing competition involving both professionals and amateurs). The British sailing ship “Marques” was winning the race, but an unexpected gust of wind brought a huge wave.

Rogue Wave Rogue Wave

It instantly sank the sailboat. 19 people died in the disaster. On a completely clear day, the wave appeared and disappeared. During competitions, athletes always rely on meteorological information. However, no catastrophes were predicted that day.

Scientists suggest the occurrence of rogue waves in the Bermuda Triangle. This is associated with the encounter of hot Gulf Stream waters with cooled waters of another density.

Rogue waves have a tremendous steepness, and there is always a deep trough in front of them. Initially, the wave height does not exceed 5m, but after a few seconds, it suddenly reaches 25m. The disappearance of the coal carrier “Cyclops” in the spring of 1918 is also attributed to a killer wave. However, there are no witnesses, and the cause of the ship’s loss cannot be determined to this day.

Fog often forms over the territory of the triangle. Witnesses point to a dense environment where radars cannot detect objects.

Unusual funnel-shaped clouds have been described by pilots who managed to return to the ground after a flight. Inside these clouds, onboard electronics completely failed, and the pilots themselves felt dizzy.

Sometimes flights through glowing clouds led to time displacement. In 1960, a plane belonging to “National Airlines” with passengers, while passing through a cloud, became invisible on radars, and communication ceased.

There was no news about it for ten minutes. Upon landing, the onboard clocks were 10 minutes behind. Many scientists are trying to unravel the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle. Astrologers have noticed a pattern in ship disappearances. Most catastrophes occur on new moon and full moon days when the Moon is close to perigee.

Interesting Facts about the Bermuda Triangle:

🔹Over the past 100 years, about 75 planes, hundreds of ships, and over a thousand people have disappeared without a trace in the triangle area.

🔹It is believed that this term was introduced by Vincent Gaddis, a journalist from the last century. In the 60s, he published an article with the catchy title “The Bermuda Triangle – the Devil’s Lair.” The article has long been forgotten, but the name stuck.

🔹It is believed that the legendary Atlantis once existed in the place of the Bermuda Triangle.

🔹Steve Miller, a hydrometeorologist from the University of Colorado and a Ph.D., put forward an interesting hypothesis. He believes that in the Triangle area, there are special “hexagonal” clouds. Wind gusts inside such a cloud can reach 270 km/h, which, according to the Beaufort scale, corresponds to a hurricane of the highest category. This explains the sudden, instant fall of planes into the ocean!

🔹Isaac Asimov, the famous science fiction writer, himself does not particularly believe in aliens, telepathy, or Atlantis. Here’s what he said about the Bermuda Triangle: “I only believe in events that are scientifically proven. I’m ready to believe the wildest and most incredible nonsense if you present me with compelling evidence.”

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