19 Interesting Facts About Peonies

Peonies are beautiful, fragrant flowers that come in various colors, including pink, red, white, and yellow. They are popular in gardens and bouquets for their large, lush blooms. Peonies bloom in late spring to early summer and are known for their longevity, with some plants living for over 100 years.

Interesting Facts About Peonies

  1. Peonies are native to Asia, Europe, and Western North America.
  2. There are over 30 species of peonies.
  3. Peonies can be herbaceous (dying back to the ground in winter) or tree peonies (woody shrubs).
  4. The Itoh peony is a hybrid between herbaceous and tree peonies.
  5. Peonies can live for more than 100 years.
  6. Peonies bloom in late spring to early summer, usually around May and June.
  7. Peony flowers can be as large as 10 inches in diameter.
  8. Peonies come in various colors, including white, pink, red, yellow, and purple.
  9. The peony is the state flower of Indiana.
  10. Peonies are a traditional floral symbol of China and are often referred to as the “king of flowers.”
  11. Peony petals are edible and can be used in salads or as garnish.
  12. Peonies are deer-resistant, making them a great choice for gardens in areas with deer populations.
  13. Peonies need to be planted at the correct depth to bloom properly; too deep and they won’t flower.
  14. Tree peonies can grow up to 10 feet tall.
  15. Peonies have been cultivated for over 2,000 years.
  16. The largest peony festival in the world is held in Luoyang, China.
  17. Peonies can be dried and used in potpourri.
  18. The ancient Greeks associated peonies with the moon.
  19. Peony seeds can be planted, but it takes several years for them to mature and bloom.

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