25 Interesting Facts about Atlantic Ocean

The Vast Atlantic Ocean, which separates the New and Old Worlds, was long an insurmountable barrier for seafarers. Fierce storms, which pose dangers even to modern ships, were even more perilous for the sailing vessels of the past. Moreover, the depths of the Atlantic remain insufficiently explored due to the complexity of such research.

Interesting Facts about the Atlantic Ocean:

  1. Its area is more than five times larger than that of Russia, the largest country in the world.
  2. The deepest point of the Atlantic Ocean lies over 8.7 kilometers deep.
  3. In size, the Atlantic Ocean is second only to the Pacific Ocean.
  4. It owes its modern name to Atlas, a titan from ancient Greek mythology.
  5. Historically, in different countries, the Atlantic Ocean or parts of it were known as the Western Ocean or the Outer Sea.
  6. Its average depth exceeds 3.7 kilometers.
  7. The legendary continent of Atlantis, which supposedly sank, was located somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, according to legends.
  8. The waters of this ocean are saltier than those of any other ocean.
  9. The first European to cross the Atlantic Ocean was the famous Christopher Columbus.
  10. The Atlantic Ocean spans all climatic zones on Earth, from the Arctic to the Antarctic.
  11. The amount of fish caught annually in the Atlantic Ocean rivals that of the Pacific Ocean, the largest ocean on our planet.
  12. The first transatlantic flight was made by an American pilot in 1927.
  13. In the 20th century, many companies competed for the Blue Riband of the Atlantic, an honorary award given to ships that could cross the Atlantic Ocean faster than most others.
  14. The volume of all the ice in Antarctica is roughly equal to the volume of water in the Atlantic Ocean.
  15. The famous Bermuda Triangle, considered one of the mysteries of our world, is located here.
  16. The opposite shores of the Atlantic Ocean move apart by about one and a half to two centimeters each year.
  17. The laying of the telegraph cable across the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean began in 1847 and, with all the repairs, took about fifteen years.
  18. Greenland, the largest island on Earth, is located in the Atlantic Ocean.
  19. Five attempts were made to cross the Atlantic on a bundle of balloons, but all of them ended in tragedy.
  20. The Atlantic Ocean covers about 17% of the Earth’s surface.
  21. It contains a quarter of all the water in the world.
  22. The Atlantic Ocean is home to the only sea in the world without shores, the Sargasso Sea.
  23. The world’s highest tides occur in the Atlantic Ocean. In the Bay of Fundy in Canada, tides can reach heights of up to 18 meters.
  24. The Gulf Stream, the longest current in the world, flows through it.
  25. The Atlantic Ocean and its connected seas wash the shores of nearly one hundred countries.

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