27 Interesting Facts about Argentina

  • Location and Borders: Argentina is located in South America. It is bordered by Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, Brazil to the northeast, Uruguay and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and Chile to the west and south. Argentina has a long coastline along the South Atlantic Ocean.
  • Square: The country covers an area of approximately 2.78 million square kilometers, making it the eighth largest country in the world.
  • National Currency: The currency of Argentina is the Argentine Peso (ARS).
  • Official Language: The official language of Argentina is Spanish.

Interesting Facts about Argentina:

  1. Epidemics: Argentina still experiences outbreaks of dengue fever and malaria.
  2. Luján Zoo: In the Luján Zoo, you can not only observe animals but also take photos with predators by entering their enclosures.
  3. Political Instability: In 2001, Argentina saw four presidents in just twelve days.
  4. Accessibility for the Disabled: Buses have special retractable steps for wheelchairs, and drivers often assist disabled passengers.
  5. Beautiful Lakes: Argentinians and tourists alike consider Lake Todos los Santos in the Lake District one of the most beautiful lakes.
  6. Marine Wildlife: In Puerto Madryn, you can see dolphins and southern right whales, which come here every year for mating rituals.
  7. Bariloche: A picturesque city with beautiful forests and lakes.
  8. Los Glaciares: A large iceberg that serves as a national park.
  9. Drake Passage: Connecting the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, it is the widest strait on Earth, with the narrowest part exceeding 800 kilometers.
  10. Avenida 9 de Julio: Argentina is home to the world’s longest street.
  11. Politics and Football: Conversations between Argentinians often revolve around two topics: politics and football.
  12. Life Expectancy: Argentina has a very high life expectancy, averaging between 70 and 80 years.
  13. Gestures: Twirling a finger in Argentina means thinking about a problem, not indicating the foolishness of the speaker.
  14. Religious Restrictions: Only Catholics can run for president.
  15. Fairs: Weekends always feature fairs where you can buy various items.
  16. Empanada: The most popular dish, consisting of pastries with various fillings.
  17. Sympathy for Russians: Argentinians sympathize with Russians for having to endure harsh winter frosts.
  18. Divorces: In 1987, divorces were banned in the country. Today, citizens’ private lives are becoming increasingly uncontrolled.
  19. Child Custody: After a divorce, the child usually stays with the father. Even if the child is with the mother, the father must spend all holidays, vacations, and weekends with the child.
  20. First Metro in Latin America: The metro in Buenos Aires opened in 1913 and was the first in Latin America.
  21. National Flag: Every family displays the national flag on national holidays or major football matches.
  22. Tango: Tango originated in Argentina in the late 19th century and was first performed by workers in a local brothel.
  23. First Animated Film: Argentinians created the world’s first animated film.
  24. Wheat Production: Wheat is Argentina’s main crop. The country ranks fifth in the world for wheat exports.
  25. Nobel Prizes: Argentina is the Latin American country with the most Nobel Prizes. Five Argentinians have received the Nobel Prize in the categories of Science and Peace.
  26. Amazing Natural Landscapes: Argentina is renowned for its diverse natural landscapes, including Patagonia, the Andes, and subtropical forests.
  27. Wine: Argentina is one of the world’s largest wine producers, particularly known for its Malbec red wines.

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