25 Interesting Facts About China

  • Location and Borders: China is located in East Asia. It is bordered by Mongolia to the north, Russia and Kazakhstan to the northwest, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan to the west, Pakistan and India to the southwest, Nepal and Bhutan to the south, and Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam to the southeast. It has coastlines along the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and South China Sea.
  • Square: The country covers an area of approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, making it the fourth largest country by land area.
  • National Currency: The currency of China is the Renminbi (RMB), with the primary unit being the Yuan (CNY).
  • Official Language: The official language of China is Standard Mandarin, also known as Putonghua.

China boasts a rich tapestry of landscapes, from the Gobi Desert in the north to the tropical beaches of Hainan Island in the south. Here are some intriguing facts about this remarkable nation.

Interesting Facts About China:

  1. Culinary Delicacies: Every year, around four million cats are used in a special Chinese dish considered a delicacy in certain regions. This practice is controversial and not widely accepted across the country.
  2. Religious Beliefs: Only about 7% of China’s population identifies as religious, making it one of the least religious countries globally. In contrast, Thailand has a high religious adherence rate of 94%.
  3. Ancient Construction Techniques: The Great Wall of China was originally constructed using sticky rice and lime as part of its mortar, demonstrating the ingenuity of ancient Chinese builders.
  4. Geographical Diversity: China borders 14 countries and is washed by four different seas. Its climate ranges from subarctic in the north to tropical in the south.
  5. Special Administrative Regions: Despite being part of China, Hong Kong enjoys special privileges, such as visa-free travel to EU countries.
  6. Ethnic Diversity: China is home to 55 different ethnic groups speaking over 200 languages, contributing to its rich cultural mosaic.
  7. Population Growth Proposals: In 1973, China proposed sending 10 million women to the United States to boost the American population, highlighting past efforts to address population concerns.
  8. Tropical Climate: The only tropical climate region in China is Hainan Island, a popular tourist destination known for its warm weather and beautiful beaches.
  9. Disposable Chopsticks: China cuts down tens of millions of trees annually to produce about 80 billion disposable chopsticks, raising environmental concerns.
  10. Rice Varieties: There are over 40,000 varieties of rice cultivated in China, reflecting the grain’s fundamental role in Chinese cuisine.
  11. Giant Pandas: All giant pandas worldwide are owned by China. Pandas born in foreign zoos must be sent back to China, as the country rents them out.
  12. Kites for Warfare: Kites, originally invented in China, were used not just for entertainment but also for intimidating enemies in ancient Chinese and Mongolian warfare.
  13. Internet Addiction Camps: China has numerous concentration camps for teenagers suffering from internet addiction. In 2008, it was the first country to classify this dependency as a mental illness.
  14. Traditional Medicine: Traditional Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, has a history of over 500 years and is renowned for its effectiveness in treating various ailments.
  15. Nightclub Discounts: Many nightclubs in China offer discounts to foreigners as their presence attracts more tourists.
  16. Relative Cleanliness: Cleanliness in China can be relative. For example, while cafe tables might be spotless, crumbs and food remnants are often swept onto the floor.
  17. Ancient Soccer: Evidence suggests that ancient Chinese used leather balls for sports similar to soccer, highlighting the long history of ball games in China.
  18. Late Sunrises: In some parts of China, the sun rises as late as 10 a.m., due to the entire country being on Beijing time despite spanning five time zones.
  19. Great Wall Length: The Great Wall of China stretches over 13,000 miles (21,000 kilometers) and is the longest wall in the world. It was built over several dynasties.
  20. Terracotta Army: The Terracotta Army, buried with China’s first emperor Qin Shi Huang, includes over 8,000 soldiers, 670 horses, and 130 chariots, all crafted to protect the emperor in the afterlife.
  21. World’s Largest Building: The New Century Global Center in Chengdu is the world’s largest building by floor area, covering about 1.76 million square meters (18.9 million square feet).
  22. Forbidden City: The Forbidden City in Beijing is the world’s largest palace complex, covering approximately 180 acres and housing over 9,000 rooms.
  23. Longest River: The Yangtze River, flowing 6,300 kilometers (3,915 miles), is the longest river in China and Asia, and the third-longest in the world.
  24. Tea Origins: China is credited with the invention of tea. Legend says that Emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when leaves from a wild tree blew into his pot of boiling water in 2737 BC.
  25. Chinese Zodiac: The Chinese zodiac is a 12-year cycle with each year represented by an animal, including the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

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