20 Interesting Facts about Liechtenstein

  • Location and Borders: Liechtenstein is a small landlocked country located in Central Europe. It is bordered by Switzerland to the west and south, and Austria to the east and north.
  • Square: The country covers an area of approximately 160 square kilometers.
  • National Currency: The currency of Liechtenstein is the Swiss Franc (CHF).
  • Official Languages: The official language of Liechtenstein is German.

Interesting Facts about Liechtenstein:

  1. High Standard of Living: Liechtenstein is one of the countries with the highest standard of living.
  2. Tourism: Tourism is a significant source of income for the country.
  3. Low Crime Rate: The crime rate is minimal, and locals often do not lock their doors at night.
  4. Renting the Country: Under certain conditions, you can rent the entire country of Liechtenstein for a day.
  5. No Army: Liechtenstein is one of the few countries without an army, having disbanded its military after the last armed conflict in 1866.
  6. Offshore Zone: Liechtenstein is included in the list of offshore zones where many people hide their finances.
  7. No Airport: There is no airport in Liechtenstein. The nearest major airport is Zurich Airport in Switzerland, although Liechtenstein has a heliport in Balzers.
  8. No Unemployment: There is no unemployment in Liechtenstein; instead, there is a shortage of labor resources.
  9. Bicycles Over Cars: Despite high incomes, bicycles are the most popular form of private transport. Public transport consists only of buses, with 19 buses operating across the country.
  10. Prison Catering: In the local prison, food for inmates is provided by restaurants, as the prison administration does not find it necessary to hire a cook.
  11. Small Capital: Vaduz, the capital of Liechtenstein, occupies about 10% of the principality’s territory. It is a well-maintained and ancient city, dating back to the 11th-12th centuries.
  12. Low Incarceration Rate: There are 19 prisoners per 1,000 citizens in Liechtenstein. With about 37,000 residents, only 7 people are serving sentences.
  13. National Anthem: The melody of Liechtenstein’s national anthem is the same as the British national anthem, but the lyrics are different.
  14. High Foreign Population: About 30% of Liechtenstein’s permanent population are foreigners, primarily from other German-speaking countries like Switzerland and Austria.
  15. Small Police Force: The country has about 100 police officers, mainly tasked with issuing fines for improperly parked vehicles.
  16. Only One Lake: Liechtenstein has just one lake, Gampriner Seele, formed by the flooding of the Rhine in 1927. The lake is located in the village of Bendern-Gamprin at an altitude of about 435 meters.
  17. Last Military Action: The last military intervention by Liechtenstein was during the Austro-Prussian War in 1866, with an army of only 80 men.
  18. Medieval Structures: Many medieval buildings are still preserved, contributing to the unique medieval atmosphere of Liechtenstein.
  19. World War II Neutrality: During World War II, Liechtenstein remained neutral but relied entirely on aid and guidance from Switzerland.
  20. Women’s Suffrage: Women in Liechtenstein were the last in Europe to gain the right to vote, which happened in 1948.

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