24 Interesting Facts about Cuba

  • Location and Borders: Cuba is an island nation located in the Caribbean region of North America. It is situated south of the United States, east of Mexico, and west of the Bahamas and Jamaica. The country consists of the island of Cuba, as well as the Isle of Youth and several smaller islands.
  • Square: The country covers an area of approximately 109,884 square kilometers.
  • National Currency: The currency of Cuba is the Cuban Peso (CUP). The Cuban Convertible Peso (CUC) was also used for some transactions, but it has been phased out since 2021.
  • Official Language: The official language of Cuba is Spanish.

Interesting Facts about Cuba:

  1. Free Education: In Cuba, education is entirely free. To enter any university, students must pass three subjects: Cuban history, Spanish, and mathematics.
  2. Domino Enthusiasts: Cubans love playing dominoes and often gather on the streets to play with each other. In the evenings, they come together at tables to see who is the best, and other game lovers come to watch.
  3. Smallest Bird: The smallest bird in the world, the bee hummingbird, lives only in Cuba. It can measure 5-6 cm in length (including the tail and beak) and weighs less than 2 grams, lighter than ostrich feathers.
  4. Low Birth Rate: Cuba has a birth rate of about 9.8 per 1,000 people, one of the lowest in the Western Hemisphere.
  5. Cigars and Coffee: Cuba is famous for its cigars and coffee. However, private trading of seafood is prohibited, although it can be bought from market vendors.
  6. Affordable Coconuts: Coconuts are truly at your feet in Cuba and cost pennies. However, apples, which are imported from Canada, can cost $4-5 each!
  7. Friendly and Peaceful: Cubans are very friendly and calm people, resulting in a very low level of street crime.
  8. Rainy Days Off: Cubans dislike the rain; on rainy days, children often don’t go to school, and adults may not go to work.
  9. Beautiful Beaches: The beach area of Varadero in Cuba is considered one of the most beautiful in the world.
  10. Energy Conservation: Not long ago, to save electricity, Cubans were prohibited from having toasters and electric kettles in their homes.
  11. Classic Cars: Cuba is famous for its vintage cars, which have been in use for over 50 years and are forbidden to be exported.
  12. Excellent Healthcare: Cuban healthcare is among the best in the world, with relatively low treatment costs. It even attracts foreign patients with rare diseases.
  13. High Doctor Density: Cuba has one of the highest numbers of doctors per capita. There are so many doctors that they are sent to countries around the world that lack qualified specialists.
  14. Long Rule of Fidel Castro: Cuban leader Fidel Castro ruled the country for 49 years. It is known that there were 638 attempts on his life, but none succeeded.
  15. Popular Sports: While boxing is strongly associated with Cuba, the most popular sport here is baseball, and the country’s pride is its ballet.
  16. Rum Production: Cuba produces more than 40 types of rum. Havana Club has become a symbol of the country, and there is even a museum of the same name in the capital showcasing the brand.
  17. Oil Resources: There is oil in Cuba, but due to the unfortunate location of deposits in the tourist area of Varadero beach, there is hardly any extraction.
  18. Expensive Mobile Communication: Mobile communication is also very expensive, and each Cuban typically has only one SIM card. Cubacel is the monopoly operator in the country.
  19. Low Salaries: The average salary in Cuba is still low by international standards, though higher than in the past. As of recent reforms, salaries range from $30 to $50 per month.
  20. Cuban Revolution: The Cuban Revolution, led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, overthrew the government of Fulgencio Batista in 1959, establishing a socialist state.
  21. National Parks: Cuba is home to several national parks and protected areas, including the UNESCO World Heritage site, Alejandro de Humboldt National Park.
  22. Unique Architecture: Cuban cities, especially Havana, are known for their well-preserved colonial architecture, featuring colorful buildings and historic fortresses.
  23. Rich Music Heritage: Cuba has a rich musical heritage, being the birthplace of popular genres like son, mambo, and salsa. The Buena Vista Social Club has brought Cuban music to international fame.
  24. Literacy Rate: Cuba boasts one of the highest literacy rates in the world, at over 99%, thanks to its strong emphasis on education.

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