Unknown Facts About Wuhan

The Chinese city of Wuhan became known worldwide in early 2020 when an outbreak of a new type of coronavirus began there, spreading across the globe in just a few months. In reality, it is a typical megacity, common in China, and serves as a powerful industrial center.

Facts About Wuhan:

  1. Every tenth Chinese car is produced in Wuhan factories.
  2. During World War II, Wuhan was occupied by Japanese forces. In 1944, it suffered significant damage from American bombings.
  3. Although the Communist Party has long ruled China, in 1967, Wuhan became the center of a counter-revolutionary movement.
  4. In 876, an Orthodox church was established here. The building still stands today, although it no longer functions as a church.
  5. Wuhan covers an area of 8,495 square kilometers, which is 3.5 times the size of Moscow.
  6. Despite its impressive size, the population of Wuhan is about 1 million less than that of Moscow.
  7. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Wuhan was -18.1 degrees Celsius.
  8. Typically, even in winter, during January and February, the temperature here stays slightly above freezing.
  9. As Wuhan is surrounded by lakes and marshes, the only way to drive out of the city is via causeways.
  10. In ancient times, trading caravans forming to travel westward along the Silk Road originated here.
  11. Three centuries ago, Wuhan was one of the main trading centers of the Chinese Empire.
  12. Located at the confluence of three rivers, the city is divided into three parts, connected by bridges.
  13. The Yellow Crane Tower, also known as Huanghelou, is the oldest building in Wuhan. It was constructed in 223 AD, almost 1,800 years ago!
  14. The tallest building in Wuhan is the high-tech and eco-friendly Wuhan Greenland Center, standing at 636 meters. It has 125 floors and is one of the tallest buildings in China.
  15. Located in the geographical center of China, Wuhan is called the “thoroughfare of nine provinces” because many land, rail, and river routes pass through it.
  16. Of all the cities in Central China, Wuhan is the most densely populated.
  17. Despite all efforts by the authorities, traffic jams here are terrible, and they happen every day.

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