10 Interesting Facts About Steve Jobs

More than a decade ago, on October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs, the visionary founder of Apple, passed away. Under his leadership, Apple released iconic products like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, which have significantly transformed the world. Here are some of the most unusual and fascinating facts from Steve Jobs’ life that have made him an icon to millions.

  1. Steve Jobs’ Annual Salary Was Just $1Jobs famously paid himself an annual salary of just $1. However, his bonuses were far more substantial. At one point, Apple awarded him a Gulfstream jet worth $43.5 million. The company also covered all the expenses associated with maintaining the plane.
  2. Steve Jobs Had DyslexiaDespite being a future tech visionary, Jobs struggled with reading and writing as a child due to dyslexia. He barely made it through high school, highlighting the challenges he overcame to achieve success.
  3. Jobs Once Set Off a Firecracker Under His Teacher’s Chair in Third GradeKnown for his rebellious streak, Jobs was expelled from several schools for his antics. His time at Reed College was short-lived, as he attended only one semester before dropping out.
  4. Jobs Dressed as Jesus Christ for Apple’s First Halloween Costume PartyNever one for conventional behavior, Jobs attended Apple’s first Halloween party dressed as Jesus Christ. He was known for walking around the office barefoot, harshly criticizing colleagues, and rarely interacting with 90% of his employees.
  5. Steve Jobs Once Asked NASA for Control of a Space ShuttleJobs was passionate about space exploration and even applied to pilot a space shuttle. NASA denied his request without providing an explanation.
  6. Jobs Frequently Parked in Handicapped SpotsSteve Jobs was notorious for parking in spaces reserved for the disabled. He also drove a car without license plates, exploiting a loophole in California law that allowed new car owners six months to get plates. Jobs would simply lease a new silver Mercedes SL55 AMG every six months.
  7. In the Hospital, Jobs Refused to Wear an Oxygen Mask Because He Didn’t Like Its DesignAccording to his biographer Walter Isaacson, Jobs was so particular about design that he refused to wear an oxygen mask in the hospital because he found it unattractive. He demanded several different designs to choose from. He also disliked the design of the oxygen monitor attached to his finger.
  8. Jobs Became a Vegetarian, Believing It Would Reduce His Need to ShowerSteve Jobs believed that consuming meat led to the production of body odor, mucus, and sweat. By becoming a vegetarian, he thought he could avoid these issues and reduce the need to shower. His refusal to bathe frequently led to his transfer to the night shift at Atari, where he worked early in his career.
  9. His Favorite Musician Was Bob DylanEven legends have idols. Jobs was a huge fan of Bob Dylan’s music and even dated one of Dylan’s former girlfriends for a time.
  10. Steve Jobs Had Syrian HeritageJobs’ biological father, Abdulfattah Jandali, was Syrian. Despite this, Jobs never met his biological father before his death. Jandali reportedly sent Jobs emails on various occasions, but rarely received a response. The last reply he got from Jobs was a simple “Thank you,” sent just six weeks before Jobs’ passing.

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