Lazurite: Color, magical and healing properties, who it is suitable for, interesting facts

Lazurite is a stone that began to be mined as early as 2000 years ago. The ancient Egyptians considered it a symbol of celestial justice. Ancient Chinese referred to lazurite as the “Stone of the Golden Star,” while Tibetan lamas valued it even more than gold.

Color and Varieties of Lazurite

The characteristic blue hue of the mineral is attributed to sulfur. The shade of the stone depends on the amount of this substance. In addition to sulfur, lazurite contains sodium, aluminum, and oxygen. However, in nature, stones of not only celestial hue can be found. There are minerals that have a green and even violet-lilac color. The gem with veins of spar belongs to low-grade materials. The most valuable type of lazurite is the Badakhshan variety, also known as Afghan lazurite.

The largest deposits are located in Afghanistan, where three varieties of the mineral are mined:

  • Neeli has a characteristic blue color.
  • Asmani – a stone that possesses a heavenly blue hue.
  • Sufi – green gemstones.

The most expensive type of Afghan lazurite is considered Neeli. Its price in the USA can reach $10 per gram. The color palette of stones mined in the Russian Baikal region is almost identical in appearance to Afghan lazurite.

Healing Properties of the Stone

Lazurite has a beneficial effect on the human body. Native Americans believed that a powder made from the mineral helped with poisoning and vomiting. In the Middle Ages, lazurite was used to treat patients suffering from exhaustion.

In Eastern countries, the mineral was considered a remedy for nervous disorders. The wife of a sultan wore a talisman made of the gem to ease childbirth and give birth to a healthy child.

The great medieval healer, Indian king Buddha Bhaisajyaguru, had an incredible lazurite throne that allegedly emitted healing azure light. It was rumored that just having an audience with the great Buddha could cure any illness or ailment!

Magical Properties of the Amulet

The magical properties of lazurite depend on the material of the setting. Gold enhances mental abilities and attracts the attention of others. A silver setting protects a person from negative energy.

Lazurite is considered a stone intended for the chosen ones. The mineral helps achieve emotional balance. With its help, one can advance in their career.

An amulet made of lazurite opens up new possibilities for its owner. Thanks to the talisman, a person becomes more confident. They start making the right decisions. The stone cleanses a person’s energy from negative influences and helps rid them of bad thoughts.

Who Does Lazurite Suit According to Zodiac Signs?

Aries can change their lives for the better. Regular wearing of lazurite jewelry helps Leos overcome obstacles. The stone rids them of offenses, doubts, and anxious thoughts. Sagittarians are known for their excessive straightforwardness. The mineral enhances their diplomatic qualities. Sagittarians become kinder and more patient.

Taurus gains emotional harmony and peace with the stone. It helps them achieve financial prosperity. Taurus individuals get the opportunity to improve relationships with the opposite sex. They become more sociable.Lazurite: interesting facts

Capricorns, together with the stone, will find a wonderful assistant for business and conducting business negotiations. The mineral charges the atmosphere around its owner with incredible activity and adds luck to planned endeavors.

Thanks to lazurite jewelry, Cancers become more confident. People gain faith in their strengths and abilities. Scorpios are naturally sociable personalities. Lazurite has a beneficial effect on a person’s psychological state.

The celestial stone relieves Scorpios of excessive aggression. Their peace-loving nature helps them establish contacts at work. The celestial talisman protects Scorpios from ill-wishers.

Librans are the luckiest, as any type of stones suits them. The mineral enhances mental abilities. The stone helps Librans get rid of imbalance. With the help of the talisman, they can defend themselves against attempts of negative influence from others.

Aquarians will find the azure stone useful in romantic affairs, as it will inspire trust and help gain the favor of a partner.

For Pisces, the stone will help cope with headaches and ailments. For Piscean women, the mineral will replenish their strength and help bear a healthy child.

Combinations of Lazurite with Precious Stones

It is known that lazurite can be used together with pearls, emeralds, and topazes. The beneficial effects of the mineral are also enhanced by aquamarine, opal, and chrysolite. However, the exception is stones belonging to the fire element – garnet (pyrope) and ruby.

To distinguish a fake from a real stone:

A large number of fake stones come from Thailand. Instead of lazurite, customers are offered sodalite, which is obtained artificially. Often, buyers are offered imitations that outwardly resemble lazurite. For this purpose, they are dyed blue.

Unscrupulous dealers use chalcedony and jade. To avoid fakes, it is recommended to subject the stones to spectral analysis. Another way to distinguish a real stone is to immerse it in water. Real lazurite will soak evenly. On the surface of a fake, the liquid will gather in small droplets.

Rules for Wearing and Care:

It is recommended to wear the celestial stone for no more than 5 hours a day. Special attention should be paid to energy cleansing. To rid the stone of negativity, it is recommended to rinse it with running water.

With prolonged wear, dirt accumulates on the surface of the mineral. To restore its original appearance, cleaning agents can be used. The stone is resistant to chemical agents. Avoid contact with hydrochloric acid, which can destroy the mineral.

Who Should Wear Lazurite:

To change their lives for the better, one can acquire lazurite bracelets and beads.

The mineral helps people who are moving to another city. A person becomes calmer and more prudent. The beneficial effects of the gemstone are noted by people involved in science or jurisprudence.

Clear thinking is essential for priests. Lazurite increases reaction speed. Therefore, an amulet made of this stone is recommended for soldiers, drivers, and rescuers.

Interesting Facts about Lazurite:

  1. The name “Lazurite” comes from the Arabic “azul,” which translates to “sky.” That’s why it’s also called the celestial stone.
  2. Lazurite is quite a soft stone. Its hardness on the Mohs scale is only 5.5, meaning it can be scratched by an ordinary knife or glass.
  3. Ancient Egyptians highly valued lazurite. Pharaohs’ tombs were adorned with gold and lazurite, and treasures made of gold and lazurite were placed inside the sarcophagus. Egyptian priests called it the “Stone of Heaven” and used lazurite powder to dye clothing.
  4. Ancient Indians took powdered lazurite as an antidote against scorpion stings and other venomous creatures.

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