The Riddle of Al-Naslaa Stone

Our world is incredibly beautiful and constantly surprises us with its wonders. A vast number of unsolved mysteries surround humanity, created by both nature and humans themselves. Among them are such marvels that defy explanation, leaving us to wonder how they were created and, most importantly, by whom?

The Mystery of Al-Naslaa Stone

One such mysterious artifact is located in Saudi Arabia, near the small town of Tabuk. Discovered by chance in the 19th century by the explorer Charles Huver, this enormous ancient stone is situated in the oasis of Tayma.

It stands on two small pedestals embedded in the sand. What could be so surprising about a large ancient boulder besides its historical age? In fact, the stone is split in half, and not just split, but as if an invisible hand had passed over it from top to bottom using a modern laser.

The split is so perfect that scientists around the world have been scratching their heads for years over the mystery of the enigmatic Al-Naslaa stone.
Other Stones, but Not as Perfect

Mysterious stones from ancient times, split in inexplicable ways, are found in other places as well. Some are divided at an angle, others into halves.

What makes the Al-Naslaa stone unique is that, sitting on millennium-old small stands, its two perfectly divided halves do not budge or move! The origin of this mysterious rock dates back to ancient times, as evidenced by rock drawings of humans and animals.

Archaeologists believe they were drawn around 4000 years ago, and the split in the stone is even older. But back in those times, as you can imagine, there was no talk of lasers. Or was there?
Who and Why Split the Stone?

Experts propose numerous theories about the origin of this unusual phenomenon. The main ones include artificial creation, i.e., by human hands, and the whims of nature. However, none of these theories are confirmed.

Mother Nature

The split occurred naturally. Millennia ago, due to earthquakes, shifts in the earth’s layers caused cracks to form on the stone.

Over the years, these cracks grew, eventually splitting it in half. Many people refute this opinion, as our Mother Nature is unlikely to have worked so perfectly on the split and then made it incredibly smooth. Moreover, according to all geological laws, the stone should have split lengthwise, not crosswise.

Ancient Advanced Civilization

There was a civilization in ancient Arabia with highly advanced technologies. The drawings on the stone support this theory, and everyone knows about the Egyptian pyramids, the construction methods of which are still completely incomprehensible.

Suppose we assume that such a civilization indeed existed, capable of splitting a huge stone into two equal halves, polishing them, and placing them on stands. But why don’t they move? How do they maintain balance, undergoing millennia of natural cataclysms?

Extraterrestrial Beings

This version is categorically rejected by scholarly men, but in this situation, it doesn’t seem so implausible. The mystery of the Al-Naslaa stone lies not in the creativity of nature or the advanced technologies of ancient humans, but in the result of the creation of extraterrestrial beings, once again visiting our planet.

Perhaps in ancient times, the stone was revered by people as a deity, or maybe it was part of a larger structure. Where did the advanced civilization disappear to, leaving descendants only with incomprehensible drawings, traces of its advanced existence?

The answers remain elusive. Only theories and countless questions remain. One can only hope that someday humanity will solve this mystery.

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