Five Most Useless Inventions

Once, the imagination of the science fiction writer Jules Verne gave rise to incredible machines that allowed people to fly high in the sky and swim deep underwater. Over time, what was once seen as the fantasy of a dreamer, an unattainable dream, has become everyday reality.

Engineering thought has given rise to airships and submarines, allowing scientific and technological progress to push society forward. Day by day, human life becomes more comfortable and refined. Large and small inventions simplify labor and provide opportunities to enjoy life.

But not all ideas are brilliant and significant. Among them are those that evoke only bewilderment. It seems that the authors designed their creations as exhibits for some grotesque museum of absurdity.

Top 5 Crazy Creations of the Human Mind

1. Barefoot Shoes – One of the strangest and most useless items. It seems that one excludes the other: a person either wears a pair of shoes or removes them, allowing their feet to touch the ground. Many remember their grandmothers’ assurances that running on morning dew is beneficial, and they enjoy the sensation of green grass under their feet whenever possible.

One inventor was so inspired by this idea that he decided to create special sneakers for it. He didn’t have to think too hard; he simply left the frame untouched and removed the sole. It seems like a moving athlete is wearing shoes, but why do his heels shine? It’s simple: he decided to further toughen his body with barefoot shoes. However, it’s completely unclear why he doesn’t just walk without sneakers.

2. Fork with a Timer – This eating utensil is designed to encourage thorough chewing of food, which, according to doctors, improves overall digestion. The creators programmed a built-in timer to measure the time needed for a person’s jaw to close and open 32 times. That’s how many times it takes to chew food properly.

When the allotted time is up, the fork’s handle starts flashing red, signaling that it’s time to put the next bite in your mouth. Such breakfasts, lunches, and dinners might indeed be good for the stomach, but they will definitely leave an indelible mark on your nervous system!

3. Hair in a Can – The problem of baldness is familiar to many. Smooth patches on the head often look unappealing, prompting people to use various tricks to conceal them. One inventor thought that shaving the entire head due to a couple of bald spots was unproductive and banal.

So, he developed a spray. No, inside the can is not a super-effective medicine or an artificial hair substitute. It’s just paint that matches the hair color of blondes, brunettes, or chestnuts. Isn’t it a brilliant idea? Grab a can from the bathroom shelf, make a few sprays, and you’re done. That it looks funny from the outside is a minor detail, as innate tact is unlikely to allow acquaintances to speak directly about it, and the opinions of strangers can be disregarded.

4. Glasses for Chicks – This device was patented in the UK and is intended for newborn chicks. It doesn’t correct vision but protects the chicks’ eyes from the pecks of their more active peers. The fact is, animal rights activists noticed that newly hatched chicks unintentionally injure each other.

These glasses were developed to prevent such incidents. However, it’s unlikely anyone thought about their practicality: first, you need to catch the chick, then place the glasses on its face, and then carefully ensure they don’t fall off. If such attention were paid to newborn chicks and roosters, perhaps additional devices wouldn’t be necessary?

5. Singing Suitcase – Perhaps such an item would be popular with tourists who often spend time at train stations and airports. Favorite music could brighten the wait for a flight. If not for one “but.” The built-in equipment takes up all the space inside the rolling suitcase.

There’s almost no room left for the items you need to take with you. Perhaps, if you try hard enough, you could fit socks and a toothbrush. Such a case is not suitable even for those who love to travel light, as it is quite heavy. What logic guided the inventor is not entirely clear. Perhaps he was an avid music lover.

Statistics show that around 3 million patent applications are filed each year. Some of them are indeed significant and innovative, while others simply make you smile and think. After all, demand is created by supply.

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