How Much Do Doctors Earn in America

According to the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, being a doctor is one of the three divine professions. After all, these specialists hold their patients’ health—and sometimes their lives—in their hands. Day in and day out, doctors fight physical and mental ailments, battle viruses and infections, mend tissues and bones, perform surgeries, work miracles, and take responsibility for their mistakes. To succeed, they need not only encyclopedic knowledge but also a strong character, endurance, and a bit of cynicism.

Doctor Salaries in the USA (2024 Update with Hourly and Yearly Earnings)

Doctors in the United States generally earn substantial salaries, which can vary significantly based on several factors like specialization, location, and experience. Here’s a breakdown of their earnings both hourly and annually:

Average Hourly and Yearly Salaries by Specialization

  • Primary Care Physicians:
    • Hourly Rate: $80 – $100
    • Annual Salary: $150,000 – $250,000
  • Surgeons (including general, orthopedic, and neurosurgeons):
    • Hourly Rate: $150 – $250
    • Annual Salary: $300,000 – $600,000+
  • Anesthesiologists:
    • Hourly Rate: $130 – $230
    • Annual Salary: $270,000 – $500,000
  • Pediatricians:
    • Hourly Rate: $80 – $110
    • Annual Salary: $160,000 – $230,000
  • Psychiatrists:
    • Hourly Rate: $100 – $150
    • Annual Salary: $200,000 – $350,000
  • Dentists:
    • Hourly Rate: $100 – $175
    • Annual Salary: $200,000 – $400,000

Factors Affecting Salaries

  • Location: Doctors in high-cost states such as California, New York, and Massachusetts typically earn more, while doctors in lower-cost states like Oklahoma and Alabama often receive slightly less in salary but have lower living expenses.
  • Specialization: Orthopedic surgeons and anesthesiologists tend to be among the highest earners, while general practitioners and pediatricians may earn less but still earn significantly more than many other professions.

State-by-State Variations

  • Top-Paying States:
    • Oklahoma, Alabama, Nevada: In these states, doctors can make upwards of $300,000 annually, with some specialists earning closer to $500,000.
  • Lower-Paying States:
    • Rhode Island, Maryland, Washington, D.C.: Even in these states, average annual salaries for doctors are typically between $180,000 and $250,000, allowing for a comfortable standard of living.

Additional Income Opportunities

Many doctors supplement their salaries through:

  • Overtime: Typically paid at a higher rate, ranging from $120 to $300 per hour, depending on specialization.
  • Research and Academia: Writing papers, speaking at conferences, and conducting research can provide additional income, along with enhancing a doctor’s reputation.


Doctors in the U.S. not only earn some of the highest wages compared to other professions, but they also enjoy additional benefits like legal protection, free insurance, and other perks. The path to becoming a doctor in the U.S. may be long and rigorous, but the financial and professional rewards are substantial.

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