Interesting Facts About Women

It is believed that men make decisions based more on logic, while women rely on emotions. This often leads to misunderstandings between the genders. Moreover, some women themselves are unaware of certain aspects of their behavior. However, scientists have discovered several surprising facts about women.

The Smarter the Woman, the Fewer Children She Has

Psychologists have found that there is an inverse relationship between a woman’s IQ and the number of children she has. Each additional 15 points in IQ decreases a woman’s desire to have children by 25%. There are several explanations for this phenomenon. Firstly, more intelligent people are less influenced by societal norms and are critical of the stereotype that a woman’s primary role is to be a mother.

Secondly, intelligent women are more successful in their careers, which can interfere with family life. Thirdly, they usually have higher standards for potential partners, so intelligent women are less likely to find life partners. Finally, there is evidence that men also prefer women who are not more intelligent than they are.

Women Dislike Other Women in Red Dresses

An experiment in Slovakia involved showing people photographs of women dressed in various outfits and asking them about their emotions. It was found that women feel jealous when they see another woman in a red dress. They perceive these women as dangerous “hunters” who might attract men away from them. Interestingly, the feeling of jealousy was stronger among married women and increased with age. Naturally, men did not have negative feelings towards women in red dresses.

Most Women Are Dissatisfied with Their Appearance

Over 90% of women believe that their figures are not good enough. Even women who are considered beautiful and regularly work out often visit plastic surgeons. In these cases, doctors often have to convince women that surgery is unnecessary. Specialists believe that dissatisfaction with appearance may be linked to psychological issues. Any failures in relationships with others (including with other women) are subconsciously attributed to flaws in their appearance.

Women Drive Consumerism

Women are significantly more likely than men to make spontaneous purchases, and marketers are well aware of this. The mechanism of “social approval” has a strong effect on women. When a woman notices that several of her friends have acquired iPhones, she immediately decides that she also needs one. The actual functionality of the device is secondary to her; it is more important to keep up with her friends. Additionally, women are much more likely than men to adhere to the principle that “the more expensive the item, the higher its quality.”

Women Often Value Form Over Content

Women frequently value the presentation of a gift more than the gift itself. They often keep beautiful gift boxes longer than the actual present. Women also take the initiative in decorating the house for New Year’s or other holidays. Furthermore, women keep notes, cards, and text messages from loved ones for years.

Women Have Unique Clothing Habits

Women have specific ways of putting on and taking off clothes. For example, when removing a T-shirt, women typically grab it from the sides at the bottom, whereas men prefer to grab it from the top near the back. Women usually put on the top part of their clothing, such as a shirt, before their jeans, while men start with the lower part of their clothing.

Women Scratch Their Napes Less Frequently

Try searching for the phrase “scratching the nape” and see the images it yields. Surprisingly, almost all the images feature men scratching their napes! Women who are deep in thought touch their napes significantly less frequently.

Women Are More Inclined to Charity

Women are much more likely than men to engage in charitable activities. During one charity event where people could donate money for children’s surgeries, it was calculated which numbers registered to women or men were used to make donations. It was found that over 89% of the total amount collected came from women’s phones. Women also show greater concern for street animals and volunteer more frequently.

Women Need More Time to Fall in Love

A survey conducted in the U.S. showed that after four dates, about 25% of men fall in love with their partners, while only 15% of women do.

Women Use Simple Recipes for Themselves, Complex Ones for Others

When cooking for themselves alone, women usually use simple and uncomplicated recipes. However, when preparing food for friends, a partner, or family, women choose more complex recipes. They do this to impress others and showcase their skills.

Women Have a Stronger Dependency on Tasty Food

Although women pay more attention to their figures, it is significantly harder for them to maintain. Women have a stronger dependency on delicious food, making it difficult for them to resist favorite candies and pastries. Additionally, women tend to “eat away” many of their problems. Treats help them distract from conflicts at home and work.

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