Alien: Isolation is a survival horror game developed by Creative Assembly and published by Sega in 2014. Set in the same universe as the Alien film series, particularly inspired by the original Alien (1979) by Ridley Scott, the game follows Amanda Ripley, the daughter of Ellen Ripley, as she searches for her missing mother aboard a space station called Sevastopol.
Financially, Alien: Isolation has continued to generate strong revenue even years after its 2014 release. As of 2024, the game has made over $81 million in gross revenue, with an estimated $24 million in net earnings for the developer on the Steam platform alone.
Alien Isolation 2 Sequel
Alien: Isolation 2 was officially announced by Creative Assembly on October 7, 2024, marking the ten-year anniversary of the original Alien: Isolation. Although few details have been shared, Creative Assembly confirmed that the game is in early development. The announcement thrilled fans who had long hoped for a sequel, as the first game, released in 2014, received critical acclaim and cultivated a strong cult following over the years.
Interesting Facts
- Inspiration from the Franchise: Alien: Isolation is deeply inspired by Ridley Scott’s original Alien film. The game meticulously captures the film’s aesthetics, including its 1970s retro-futuristic design, to create an authentic atmosphere
- Voice Acting: The game features the voice of actress Siobhan Hewlett, who plays Amanda Ripley. Her performance was pivotal in bringing emotional depth to the character, as she portrays Ripley’s quest to find her mother, Ellen Ripley
- AI Behavior: One of the standout features of the game is the highly sophisticated AI of the Xenomorph. The creature learns from the player’s actions, making each encounter unique and increasing the game’s replayability
- Immersive Gameplay: The developers focused on creating a truly immersive experience. Players often use tools like the motion tracker, which adds to the suspense and tension as they navigate the Sevastopol station while evading the alien
- Awards and Recognition: Alien: Isolation received several Game of the Year awards and was praised for its sound design, which played a crucial role in creating an atmosphere of dread
- Game Length: The average playtime for Alien: Isolation is around 15-20 hours, depending on the player’s playstyle and whether they explore the game thoroughlyden Easter Eggs**: The game includes several Easter eggs and references to both Alien and Aliens. For example, players can find a working model of the original 1979 spaceship Nostromo, which adds a layer of nostalgia for fans of the franchise
- Awards and Nominations: It won multiple awards, includi for Best Game in 2015 and Best Game Design, highlighting its innovative approach to the survival horror genre
- Spin-off Media: Following its success, Alien: Isolation inspired comic book adaptationonal content that expands the story of Amanda Ripley, indicating its successful integration into the broader Alien franchise
- Linda Hamilton: Linda Hamilton voices Ellen Ripley in the game “Alien: Isolation,” connecting her to the iconic character first portrayed by Sigourney Weaver in the original “Alien” films.