Facts about Amsterdam – All the Most Interesting Things about Amsterdam

People from all over the world come to Amsterdam to admire its liberal culture and unique attractions. Although the government of the Netherlands is located in The Hague, the nominal capital is Amsterdam. Essentially, this is the first fact about the city of Amsterdam, but there are more interesting facts ahead. It is also the largest city in the country, with a population of over 851,000 people.

Additionally, Amsterdam is the most visited city, attracting more than 3.5 million foreign tourists annually. The city center is surrounded by a ring of canals with more than 150 canals and a colossal 1,281 bridges. But there are more facts about Amsterdam that you should know.

Interesting Facts about Amsterdam

  • Population and Bicycles: Amsterdam has a population of around 825,000 people and about 881,000 bicycles. It is safe to say that there are more bicycles in the city than there are residents. It is estimated that about 70% of city dwellers use their bicycles daily. This means that if you don’t have a bike, you’re practically an oddity. The Netherlands is famous for its dedication to cycling, and the sheer number of bicycles on its streets can seem incredible at first.
  • Canals: Venice is definitely the most famous city in the world surrounded by canals, but not in terms of numbers. Amsterdam, often called the “Venice of the North,” boasts over 165 canals, which is about 15 more than Venice.
  • Below Sea Level: Amsterdam and even half of the Netherlands are below sea level. Clearly, without various technologies that have been studied and implemented over the last five hundred years, the city would be submerged under about six feet of water.
  • Houseboats: There are over 2,500 houseboats floating along Amsterdam’s canals, which have become a kind of icon for the city. Many of them have been converted into hotels or guesthouses. Therefore, they are perfect for those who want to experience what it’s like to live in a houseboat. Those who love cats should visit the unique boat De Poezenboot, also known as the “Cat Boat.”
  • Safety: Amsterdam is actually one of the safest cities in the world, ranking 13th in a personal safety study. The crime rate in Amsterdam is much lower than in most other major European cities. In the end, the more allowed, the fewer problems.
  • Diversity: Another fact about Amsterdam is that it has the most nationalities of any city in the world. Again, slightly broader, but did you know that gin was invented in the Netherlands? They call it “jenever,” pronounced as yeh-NAY-ver, and it originated in the 16th century when it was used for medicinal purposes.
  • Coffee Consumption: Amsterdam residents are the second-largest coffee consumers in the world, drinking about 3.2 cups of coffee per person per day.
  • Multilingual: Because it is such a multinational city, more than 85% of Amsterdam’s residents can speak more than two languages. Usually Dutch, English, and sometimes even a third, often German.
  • Smallest Cinema: Amsterdam is home to the world’s smallest cinema, which accommodates one person. CINEMA41 is a pop-up cinema located in a residential complex in the very center of Amsterdam.

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