The Star of Adam: The Largest Blue Star Sapphire worth $100M

In the world of gemstones, few discoveries have captured the imagination and admiration of both gemologists and collectors as much as the Star of Adam. Found in 2015 by a Sri Lankan gemologist, this remarkable blue star sapphire holds the title of the largest ever discovered, weighing an astonishing 1,404.49 carats.

The Discovery

Sri Lanka, renowned for its rich gem deposits, has produced some of the world’s most exquisite sapphires. The Star of Adam was discovered in the gem-rich region of Ratnapura, also known as the “City of Gems.” This region has a long history of producing high-quality sapphires, but the discovery of the Star of Adam took its reputation to new heights.

Asterism: The Star-Like Pattern

The star-like pattern that gives the Star of Adam its name is a result of a phenomenon known as asterism. This occurs when needle-like inclusions of the mineral rutile intersect within the sapphire, creating a star-shaped reflection on the surface when viewed under a single light source. The perfect alignment of these inclusions is rare, making star sapphires highly sought after and prized by collectors.

The Beauty of the Star of Adam

The Star of Adam is not only remarkable for its size but also for its exceptional quality. The rich blue color and the distinct, well-defined star make it a true masterpiece of nature. The gem’s clarity and the sharpness of the star pattern further enhance its allure, setting it apart from other sapphires.

Geological Significance

The formation of such a large and perfect star sapphire requires a unique set of geological conditions. Sapphires form under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions in the Earth’s crust, typically in regions with significant geological activity.

The presence of rutile inclusions, which cause the star effect, adds another layer of complexity to the gem’s formation. The discovery of the Star of Adam underscores the extraordinary processes that occur deep within the Earth to create such rare and beautiful gemstones.

The Cultural and Economic Impact

The Star of Adam has not only made headlines in the gemological community but has also become a symbol of national pride for Sri Lanka. Its discovery has brought increased attention to the country’s gem industry, highlighting the skill and expertise of Sri Lankan gemologists and miners. Economically, the sapphire has likely contributed to the local and national economy, attracting collectors and tourists alike.

The Future of the Star of Adam

Currently, the Star of Adam remains in Sri Lanka, where it continues to be studied and admired. Its future may involve display in a museum or private collection, where it can be appreciated by gem enthusiasts from around the world. Regardless of its ultimate destination, the Star of Adam will remain a symbol of natural beauty and geological wonder.

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