26 Interesting Facts About Goldfish

Among aquarists, goldfish have enjoyed unwavering popularity for decades, even centuries. They are valued for their beauty and relative ease of care—taking care of them is not too difficult, at least easier than caring for many other species. Perhaps that’s why goldfish are kept as pets in various countries, from Europe and Asia to North and South America.

Facts About Goldfish

  1. These amazing creatures were domesticated a long time ago, as early as the 7th century.
  2. Goldfish can survive without food for 2-3 weeks. However, it is not recommended to conduct such experiments.
  3. They only live in freshwater.
  4. Zoologically, goldfish are related to carp.
  5. There are over 300 varieties of goldfish worldwide.
  6. They sleep at night as they are diurnal creatures.
  7. Goldfish sleep with their eyes open because they physically cannot close them.
  8. In China, the goldfish is a symbol of good luck.
  9. Goldfish do not have a stomach at all. All food is digested in their long intestines.
  10. They have teeth, but they are located deep in their throats.
  11. Goldfish have an excellent sense of smell. They can detect food in the water from a great distance.
  12. Unlike most fish, goldfish have excellent vision—they can distinguish colors even better than humans.
  13. Those goldfish that live in ponds and rivers hibernate during the winter.
  14. Contrary to popular belief, their memory span is far longer than three seconds. A goldfish can learn and adopt behavior patterns.
  15. The lifespan of goldfish can reach 30-40 years.
  16. These creatures change the brightness of their color depending on the level of lighting.
  17. Goldfish were originally bred in ancient China for their unique colors and patterns, which were considered a sign of wealth and status among the nobility.
  18. The first goldfish were brought to Europe in the 17th century, where they quickly became popular among the elite.
  19. The world’s largest goldfish was recorded at over 18 inches (45 cm) in length, far exceeding the average size of 6-8 inches.
  20. Goldfish can recognize their owners and may even learn to respond to their presence by swimming to the front of the tank.
  21. They have a complex social structure and can develop a hierarchy within a group when kept in a tank with other goldfish.
  22. The vibrant colors of goldfish are not permanent; they can fade if the fish are not exposed to enough natural light or if they are stressed.
  23. Goldfish have been known to produce sounds that are inaudible to humans, using their swim bladders to create noises.
  24. In Japan, goldfish festivals are held where breeders showcase the most unique and beautiful specimens, with some goldfish fetching high prices.
  25. Goldfish are among the few fish species that have been sent into space. They were part of an experiment to study the effects of microgravity on aquatic life.
  26. The oldest recorded goldfish lived for 43 years, far surpassing the average lifespan of most other aquarium fish.

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