Everything About Weight Loss: Myths, Facts, and Popular Diets
Sharks Can Smell a Drop of Blood from Several Kilometers Away
Lightning Doesn’t Strike the Same Place Twice?
The Fiji Mermaid: Or How Barnum Tricked the World with a Taxidermy Hoax
Is it Dangerous to Swallow Seawater?
Myths and Legends about the Knights Templar
The Myth of the Great Chicago Fire: Was it Really Started by a Cow?
The Myth of Dogs Seeing Only in Black and White: Fact or Fiction?
The Myth of Humans Having Only Five Senses: Fact or Fiction?
The Myth of Seeing the Great Wall of China from Space: Fact or Fiction?
The Myth of Einstein Failing Math: Fact or Fiction?
The Myth of Toads Causing Warts: Fact or Fiction?
24 Interesting Facts about Constellations
Interesting Facts About Albatrosses
20 Interesting Facts about Slovakia
Mercury and cesium: the softest metals in the world
“Checkmate, sir!” – 10 Interesting facts about chess